Did you know that nearly 700 million migrating birds pass over Iowa each spring? After spending their winters in warmer areas far to the south, birds stop in Iowa on their journeys back to northern nesting areas in the spring. Join us at Brown's Woods in Des Moines to see some of these visitors! We hope to see some early migrating warblers, thrushes, vireos, and flycatchers. A spring morning in the woods is always fun!
Iowa Young Birders welcomes everyone to the outdoors regardless of age, race, ethnicity, gender, orientation, religion, creed, national origin, or disability status. Our events can accommodate wheelchairs, vision and hearing impairments, and other health conditions. For questions, or to request accommodations for an upcoming event, please send us a message or email. As an IAYB event, this field trip is open to young birders and their parents/guardians/caretakers.
Photo: Blue-headed Vireo
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